What if my baby is awake the whole time? | Lancaster Newborn Photographer | Angie Englerth
What if my baby is awake the whole time?
As a newborn photographer, this question gets asked of me often. What if my baby is awake the whole time? What if my baby doesn't calm down? What if he/she doesn't cooperate? I know this can be a daunting task. You're given a two hour time frame to capture the precious newborn stage, but newborns are the least predictable. I totally get it! Let me preface all this with saying that I absolutely understand a needy newborn. My second child Sawyer, well he has been "needy" from the start! He had reflux and colic for the first year of life. Now as a toddler, he is our wild child! I can totally relate and have plenty of experience interacting with high needs newborns.
When at your session, we will try a number of things to settle your baby. From extra feedings, to burping to gas kicks and stretches...trust me when I say I have a whole bunch of tricks up my sleeve! We may not always get your baby to sleep and that is OKAY! We can still get lots of great awake images and I can catch blinks in between our staring contests.
If we have tried everything we can and your baby still will not calm down, we will call it. We will reschedule for a different time and try again. That said, I have only had that happen three times in almost 4 years now so it's unlikely!
Rest easy, your session will go as smoothly as I can make it for you! Come, relax and enjoy this sweet milestone in your life!